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Enzygo comments on the energy potential of fracking in the UK
Enzygo, one of the UK’s leading environmental consultancies, believes that fracking could be the silver bullet to help solve many of the UK’s current energy...
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Photography by Joe D Miles - ImageCapture+447956 314 366
SEaB Energy scoops a Resource Revolution Award
Barking Dog is delighted to announce that SEaB Energy scooped the organised Resource Revolution Award for the \'Technology Trailblazer: Energy-from-Waste\'...
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Enzygo helps turn the tide for Ship Dismantling
Environmental Consultancy secures Permitting for the first ship breaking yard in Wales and in doing so lays the operational blueprint for all future ship...
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Sandra + SEaB Gillet
Why small scale AD has an important role to play
Sandra Sassow, CEO at SEaB Energy, contends that local, small- and microscale anaerobic digestion can all play a crucial role in the UK’s waste and resource...
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Tackling flood risk delivers commercial upsides for park and site operators
According to the Environment Agency (EA), over one tenth of land in England and Wales is at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea. Indeed, climate experts...
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Award image
Hatrick of shortlists at the Resource Revolution Awards
Barking Dog are very proud to see that 3 of our clients have been shortlisted for the prestigious Resource Revolution Awards (
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